
 I weighed in at 241.8 lbs today, so I am down 1.3 from my weight for my weight watchers weigh-in last week.  I think 2 more weeks and I will be in the 230's :) just letting time pass and eventually i'll be below 200.  My first goal is 239, next goal is 229, then 219, then 209, then 199, then 189, then 185.
I made this "sloppy jane" with kale from my mom's friend's garden, and sweet potato and onion and green bell pepper and ground turkey. it is based on this recipe I weigh 242, so I am down 13 lbs from my late october Napa weight and down 44 lbs total from my weight in fall 2016.   I am using weight watchers, and attending an eating disorder therapy group for my binge eating, and I am using headspace for meditation, and I am walking, and i see a nutritionist occasionally.  I track my points with weight watchers and I go to weight watchers online zoom meetings at least once a week. I eat smoothies for breakfast with fruit, kefir, oats, wheat germ, bananas, strawberry, and spinach, and protein powder. My goal weight is to get to 185 where I will no longer be considered obese for my BMI.   I am focusing on my weight loss this year.  
 I weighed in this morning at 242 lbs.  So I am down 13 lbs.  I had a big meal last night, but it was all still pretty healthy food.  
I walked up 69 staircases today, on a hike with my mom, and I did 8,000 steps.  I started a new chatroom, and I weighed in at 242.9 on Monday.  That's down 12.1 lbs from my Napa weight.  So I've lost 12.1 lbs in about 12 weeks.  So about a pound a week, even over the holidays!  Pretty good!  Now I just need to keep it up over the next year LOL.  I have also been meditating with headspace, and doing yoga with an easy video gentle yoga for bigger bodies. it's really helpful to me.   I have also been making fritattas to eat for easy quick lunches, and i started adding spinach to my morning smoothies.  My nutritionist recommended something called a sloppy jane which is like ground turkey on top of a sweet potato so i have to try that. I am trying to do little things to care for myself that don't involve food, like I bought myself an orchid, and it looks so pretty in my bedroom.  I'd like to get my chores done and my bedroom tidied up, to really feel calm and at peace. H
 I weighed in this morning at 243.3 lbs.  I am down 11.7 lbs from my Napa weight.  I saw the nutritionist again a couple weeks ago and she recommended that I add veggies in to my morning smoothies.  So I have been adding a handful of spinach (fresh or frozen) to each smoothie
 photos of me today at 244 lbs