I made this "sloppy jane" with kale from my mom's friend's garden, and sweet potato and onion and green bell pepper and ground turkey.

it is based on this recipe


I weigh 242, so I am down 13 lbs from my late october Napa weight and down 44 lbs total from my weight in fall 2016.  

I am using weight watchers, and attending an eating disorder therapy group for my binge eating, and I am using headspace for meditation, and I am walking, and i see a nutritionist occasionally.  I track my points with weight watchers and I go to weight watchers online zoom meetings at least once a week.

I eat smoothies for breakfast with fruit, kefir, oats, wheat germ, bananas, strawberry, and spinach, and protein powder.

My goal weight is to get to 185 where I will no longer be considered obese for my BMI.  

I am focusing on my weight loss this year.

