I weighed in at 250.0 today, even after celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday, I am down 0.2 lbs.  I accredit this success to eating what I enjoyed on Thanksgiving and not being super strict with myself.  This helped me to not binge.  I also chose not to eat when I didn't want to, for example my mom was having apple pie for breakfast on Friday but I chose not to, I had a smoothie instead.  Hopefully by next week I will be down below 250 :)


  1. That's amazing! Your self control is off the charts! I was looking at my google photos all the way back to the Napa trip. That was the best thing for me at the time.
    But I have def ben on path of self-indulgence since. First it was the first I ordered from Alaska. Then is was sending flowers lol and ordering more things for the kids to play with.
    I don't know what's wrong with me. But today I was thinking about 1.5 to 2 months since I broke up with Rich, I am no realizing I have lost all self-motivation and ambition......
    Was he really the driving force behind me wanting to work hard and get ahead? I am feeling super lazy and not willing to push myself.

    1. I think your source for willpower and self-determination comes from within, jil.


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