first blog post
This morning I weighed 251.9 pounds. Which actually isn't too bad because on Monday, Oct 26th I weighed 254.8. So I have lost 2.9 lbs. It was more yesterday but I gained back a little bit. I am doing the weight watchers program, so I have a specific amount of points I can eat, and some foods that are "free" in that they don't have points. Also, I am trying to exercise a lot so I did about 10,600 steps this morning.
I am worried about starting work in that it might be harder to continue to lose weight while working. Hopefully I can keep it up. I am doing better with my binge eating. I have been going to therapy for about a year for that, and it has improved a lot. I'm doing meditation too. I feel like my life is a lot better since my breakup with Florean, I'm a lot happier. I want to meet a new guy, somebody stable and kind, but I think it will be easier to connect with a guy like that if I have my physical health under control, at least to the point that I am no longer obese.
I don't want to be a burder to the man I am dating, physically or emotionally. How can I expect him to not be a burden to me if I am a burden to him? I want to be an equal partner. And part of that means that I take care of my physical health. And also just doing it for me, managing my own health because I love myself. I don't need to be super strict about it, I am ok with being a little overweight, I just don't want to be obese. I want to lose down to 185. If I can lose 0.5-1 pound a week I'll be happy. I'm on track to lose 1/2 a pound this week, if I can get through the weekend all right and not binge on the cambezola cheese I bought at trader joes.
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