Beyond Imaginable

 So I had a shit fit about meeting Chris. The power was out, so he had to go to courts to check possible court dates, and he tried to get his kids to use the internet in town for a little. We were supposed to hike, but I argued with him on FB for half an hour. Then he convinced me to meet him, so I had to change the spot closer to work. But it worked. I think I did about 3 miles before work and then at least two during work. 

I was exhausted, though. I did not realize that until about 4:30. I would not have made it through the day without a big breakfast. I did turkey bacon, a poached egg, and some fruit with 0% Fage greek yogurt. I also had salmon, yams, and some other snacks post-walk before work.  

My mom made halibut and wild rice with green beans on Friday, so I ate that when I got home. 


  1. That sounds like super healthy eating! Make sure you are finding healthy ways to relieve stress. Exercise is a great way. Meditation too. Make sure to find ways to communicate to alleviate relationship stress. You are doing great! :D


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